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Aims and objectives

We are in the business of providing our clients with the support and guidance towards self-independence and sustainability. A future where a young person has gained the skills of self -sufficiency with a clear view of how to do things for themselves.


Education & training - remains a primary target in our contribution to the future of young lives. We pay close attention to short and long term goals to mentor our clients into formal education or career/employment led training. 


Warm and engaging homes - We ensure our accommodation is fit for purpose. We believing that a comfortable dwelling nurtures a sense of stability which paves the way to personal skills development and wellbeing.


Safeguarding also tops the list as one of our priority targets. Every young person placed in our care will be safeguarded against any form of risk or situations that may be harmful to their wellbeing. The Safeguarding manager and staff are well trained

in identifying risks and how to protect our clients. We work well with multi agencies to ensure safety and wellbeing are at the top of the agenda.


We are passionate about the standards of care we offer our adult service users. Our main objective is to offer a better quality of life in a safe and secure environment where we are able to engage our clients positively. Keeping them busy with regular activities that enables them to look forward to the next day


We will ensure that this service is delivered by carers who have an affinity for care and support and not just see their role as a source of income. Staff are handpicked for their commitment to the service and the aim is to keep the effective members of staff as long term workers who are supported in their personal and career development.



We believe that all service users needs should be specifically planned and supported. Our care plans must reflect realistic measures to minimise risk, emotional unbalance, self worth and physical ability.

We aim to make the process of care detailed and easy to analyse by stakeholders and family. There is a desire to make the service inclusive and will encourage client participation in the planning as far as it is possible considering their mental capacity.


At all times, service users will be treated as individuals worthy of their dignity and respect.

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